Sometimes it is easy to forget to drink the necessary amount of water each day, but it is important to remember how crucial it is to keep yourself hydrated.
There are many benefits to drinking water:
- Flushes out toxins of the body.
- Aides in weight loss. Keeping yourself hydrated keeps your liver and kidneys performing at their peak. When we are dehydrated the liver helps the kidneys function therefore our liver is not able to metabolize excess fat.
- Moisturizes our lungs, joints and bones.
- Enables our bodies absorb nutrients.
- Regulates body temperature.
- Maintains muscle mass and aides in quicker recovery time after work outs
Side affects of not drinking enough water:
- Fatigue
- Dry skin
- Thirst, which can be mistaken as hunger
- Constipation
- Irregular blood-pressure
- Muscle cramps
- Kidney problems
- Migraines
Many of these side affects are also among the side affect of Ideal Protein phase 1 and 2, which is why it is so important to drink water. Keeping hydrated is vital to a positive and successful experience while on Ideal Protein and throughout your life.
So remember to drink half your body weight in ounces of water/day + 2 oz glasses extra for every coffee or tea you consume. You will feel better and see a difference in your physical appearance.
In Good Hydration,
BodyLanguage Team